Category Archives: Separation Anxiety

Christmas Addendum

As a quick follow-up to my Christmas post, the letter to Santa pictured above is what my little, blond buddy brought home from school today. It looks like it had been hanging up on the wall in his classroom, and I’m glad I didn’t see it until now, when we are past the holidays and looking ahead to our visit home this summer. When Logan handed this to me, I initially glanced at the address on the right side of the postcard, saw it was addressed to Santa, and expected to see a request for Star Wars Legos or Transformers on the left, the most coveted items in his 6-year-old world. Instead, in case you can’t make it all out in the picture, I saw that he’d written this:

Dear Santa, 

Can you send some of my family for Christmas?



Whoa. I think I may have stopped breathing for a second when I read this. It both broke my heart and made me proud- my guy has figured out what’s really important. (This certainly does not ease Mommy’s guilt over temporarily rocking his world and moving him away from his cherished extended family.) That’s all I have for today; I think Logan’s letter is plenty.